Good Items For a Silent Auction Ideas
Silent auction is usually done for charity fundraising and it is unlike other auctions that take place. In the regular auction the auctioneer spells out the price of the items and the highest bidder gets the item. In the silent auction system the bidder writes the price of the item in silent auction ideas a piece of paper and places it near the item. The person giving the highest price is allowed to take the item. There are many silent auction ideas and with a little effort you can do fundraising.
Silent auction ideas are simple and when a group of people work together for a good cause it becomes easier.
Elementary school and high school fundraising
There are many tips for a successful elementary school fundraising. Increase your profit, motivate the young sellers and campaign for the buying. If these steps are followed then you can successfully do the fundraising from the elementary school fundraising programs. High school fundraising also involves the full participation of the youth group fundraising programs. The fundraising strategy involves:
o Keeping it simple and make it a fun filled evening rather than a donation campaign. Organize a school carnival and arrange for a silent auction along with the other school events. Take all the good silent auction ideas and suggestions to make it a successful fundraising program.
o Seasonal products have a very high demand and you can arrange for a Halloween pumpkin fundraiser or a valentines’ day or mother’s day flower basket idea for the elementary school fundraising and high school fundraising.
o Silent auction ideas for an eco-friendly green ‘save the earth’ fund raiser can be successful by involving the youth group fundraising volunteers.
o A cookie dough fundraiser, a bakery sale fundraiser, a magazine fundraiser, or pizza hut fundraisers are all valuable fundraisers to help in non-profit charity and school fundraising.
o The PTA fundraising or the PTO fundraising in the school involves the parents groups to contribute for the charity fundraising programs. An annual fundraising program in the schools involves the parents to actively participate in the charity and you can make it a family event by taking time to spend with your kids. School carnivals, seasonal card sale and other sales and events organized by the school can help the various charity groups.